Moving on up!

Well it's finally time to say farewell to 2020!
I'm happy to say that I recently made a brand new cartoon short featuring my dinos! You can check it out either here on the site, or on my youtube channel.
Wanted to get it out before Christmas, and oddly enough, started it shortly after December started. So for over 2 weeks straight I was grinding away at it. lol Thankfully it was done on time, and I'm fairly happy with it. Also happy to see people enjoying it so far. Another thing I put together this week was an update on my demo reel. For a while I felt like I didn't make enough between the end of 2019 and during 2020 to showcase, but I was pleasantly surprised to see how much was actually made this year. You can check it out on the homepage of my site here, or just check it out here. lol
I'm gonna aim to make 2021 more animation focused, along with getting the dino comics out and about. There's some other things I'd like to get started in the new year as well, but I'll elaborate more on that after I get some personal stuff sorted out. Primarily being me and my girlfriend moving into our new place. We've been working towards this for a long time now, and starting next week it'll be official. So once the craziness of moving and getting a new home office set up is out of the way, I can get started on everything.

That's all for now, and this'll be the last blog post for 2020! Wish you all the best, and to have a happy new year!
Take care and stay safe.
And as always, stay creative!