It's been a while!
It has certainly been a long time since my last blog post here. A lot has happened since then, both good and bad as it usually does in life.
What exactly have I been up to in this period of time? Well as you can see I finally took the time to get myself a domain for this site, as well as some minor tweaks to it. I've gone through quite a bit in terms of jobs since my last post. I returned to factory work for a period of months before having the opportunity to do caricature work again during the summer of 2017. Afterwards I got a small job in retail to get me by, but now I am given the opportunity to tackle freelance full-time and so far it's been growing at a nice rate. It hasn't been the easiest process though. At the start of this year my PC crashed and lost the hard-drive in the process, so I had to wait until it was possible to get a new one installed and then unfortunately had to repurchase my animation software (since the original copy was my student download from college). That being said, I've bounced back rather nicely, and as mentioned, the freelance business is growing at a healthy pace.
The nice weather is finally back here on the east coast, so I'm doing caricatures on the side. Not at an amusement park though, this time I'm doing it on my own through local festivals and parties (speaking of which, I'll be attending my hometown's annual Heritage Festival this weekend doing caricatures for customers). After having solid experience the past summer and fall months in 2016, as well as learning more about the business end of things, I'm pretty excited for this and will certainly share the experience here!
I would like to get into the habit of making this into a weekly blog also, that way events and projects can be updated regularly on my website as opposed to random Facebook and Twitter posts. Haha!
For now it's good to be back in the swing of it and I'm excited to share things that are to come!