The Mighty Hunter
My character Kiki is ready for the hunt! Made this as a warm-up drawing for the day.
Dino Party
Looks like Zarland and Trixie are having a good time together. ^__^
Sketches of the Week
I had done a number of sketches this week while during my breaks at work. Most were just scribble practice to defunk myself from not...
Satyr doodle
I love fantasy creatures, and satyrs are up there among my personal favorites. I'll probably be coming back to this picture in the near...
Silly Sketches
Was away for the weekend, and in that time I made these doodles. Though grant it, they were done on Sunday, Saturday was spent driving a...
Expressions, shapes, and a cranky lady
As the title suggests, these are some doodles I did tonight. Some facial expressions of Zarland the dinosaur, a couple random shapes...
A look into my Art Process
Since this is my first piece into 2016, I figured it'd be the best one to kick off on with showing my art process! - I always start with...
This is the title of your first blog post
To create your first blog post, click here and select 'Add & Edit Posts' > All Posts > This is the title of your first blog post. Blogs...